Friday, September 2

why we LUV Malaysia

While I read the August issue of FACES, an interesting topic had caught my eyes. The author had listed 48 reasons why we love Malaysia to symbolize the 48 years of our country's independence. So I had copy out few of it (which are laughable) to share with my friends. But don't get me wrong, I love my country, which is truth!

#01 - Burn your plastic and shop till you drop at "The Great Malaysia Sale" which is on like almost all year round.

#07 - Perodua and Proton cars although not that durable gets us to where we want to go... on most occasions anyways *grin*.

#10 - Night Life in Malaysia is extraodinary - almost everything you can do during the day time, you can do it at night too! Malaysia Boleh!!!

#12 - Its wonderful that we have so many public holidays. FYI: Selangor has the most holidays in the whole country!

#17 - Traffic jams at all hours of the day give us a good excuse when we are late for appointment. *grin*

#19 - No natural disasters... (yet!)

#24 - When you drive in Malaysia you don't have to put signals when you turn, though you might just get a nasty finger or a loud *beep beep*

#27 - We seem to have mastered Manglish and the "lah". Maybe it should be a compulsory subject in school nowlah.

#31 - The extremely "wonderful" and "caring" cencorship board which has so kingdly taken out the unpleasant bits for us. (Awww...How sweet of them!)

#44 - Don't you just love the kiasu-ism and competitive spirit in Malaysia? We currently hold many records for the "biggest", "tallest" and "longest" of almost anything you can think off.

#45 - If you are hungry and there is no cutlery, eating with your hands is acceptable here. *Hoorah*

#48 - You don't get funny stares when you step out of your house in your PJ's to pop by the nearest mamak or shopping centre.


Blogger oceanric said...

thanks smurf, you too =)

10:20 AM  

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