Sunday, October 30

Cheese & Choc

I have a sudden lunch plan in this afternoon with my friends. We went to a restaurant called "Fondue House" which serves cheese and chocolate "steamboat". We had order Garlic Cheese with chicken fillet and Whisky Chocolate with fruits.

The food taste really nice especially the garlic cheese...absolutely yummy!!! Thumbs up for it! The portion of the food are not much, one type of "steamboat" probably just for two person. The price? A bit costly ;) Revisit? Maybe...

Wednesday, October 26

System Test

Today I was sitting for system test, which is the second test for my training period. The test starts from 9.30a.m until 1p.m. The paper contains 16 main questions (with a lot of sub question!) where most of the questions are so tricky. I’m like hanging around in Alice’s Wonderland while answer those questions. Total mark for this paper is 100% whereby the passing mark is 85%. So I’m not dare to say I will pass the test at this moment.

Thursday, October 20

Where are you?

Where are you when I need you the most?
I can’t sense your availability;
You seem had vanished in the thin air;

Can you hear my soul is screaming?
Can you see my heart is falling apart?

Where are you when I need you the most?
I don’t want to walk through the obstacle by myself;
I wish you are on my side;
But you had gone without any trace;

Where are you when I need you the most?
I believe we won’t meet again;
But you are irreplaceable;
I will miss you forever.

Sunday, October 16

Products Test

I've been undergo a series of training from the day I start my job. Tomorrow I will have my very first test for this training period. The questions are based on the organization's products which I had learnt for the past two week. This is an open book test and hopefully the questions are not too tricky.

Tuesday, October 11

silly mistake

I notice I didn't put my formal shoes into my car after I reach my office. At that moment, I only have a pair of socks and slipper. Moreover, there are few VIPs visiting our office today. So I can not imagine how my supervisor's face will look like when I step into office.
It's fifteenth minute to nine and I don't have much time to fix this silly mistake. Fortunately I met my workfellow in from the company building, so I immediately raise up the help flag. At the end, this kind workfellow had borrowed the formal shoes from a friend which live near by the office area. This shoes is smaller than my feet size and I keep telling myself to forget the hygiene issue. So I tuck both of my feet into the shoes and walk to my office...

Saturday, October 8

changing lane

I'd quit my programmer job and currently work as a customer service officer. It's a whole new world to me. I have so much to learn and need to learn from scratch. Don't ask me why I choose to work in a non IT related environment! Don't ask me why I choose to "waste" what I had studied for past three years! I've made my mind and ready to take the risk.

Sunday, October 2

Moghul night

The initial plan for tonight is a birthday celebration. Unfortunately the birthday boy can’t make it until the dinner hour, so we need to call off the celebration plan. But we decided to carry on the dinner gathering! We drop the initial dinner place which is a Japanese restaurant at Suria KLCC. Therefore, we have a “brainstorm” to get an idea where to eat tonight inside the car. After driving for a while, we head to Jalan Raja Chulan where there are few restaurants located in this area. We went into a restaurant called, Nawab who claims themselves serving authentic Moghul food. Since we all are shallow minded people, we choose this restaurant because we found the name interesting (each of us have no idea what type of food they serve).

Luckily, the food turn out great, a little spicy and we love the taste. Well, we are 100% satisfies and leave this restaurant with a big smile on our face!!

p/s: Moghul mean a member of the Muslim dynasty that ruled India until 1857

Saturday, October 1

the end...

I seldom used chinese in this blog, but i'm going to write a story about a Hong Kong radio programme. So I decided to use chinese...

絕情谷” - 絕世絕響
還 記得“絕情谷”開播第一天是由周慧敏及雷頌德主持, 當時的感覺是感動,我還有點衝動要打電話去電台。聼了第一天,就愛上了這節目!因爲那時還在讀書,所以可以聽到淩晨兩點才睡。但後來功課繁忙就放棄了這節 目。忘了過了多久,再聼“絕情 谷“時,才發現女主持已換了。但節目依然精彩,倪震爽朗的笑聲及驚爆的話題總讓我有個愉快的晚上。還有別人的愛情煩惱也讓我縱中學習了很多,但我已不像以 往般守住這節目。今天聼這節目時才知道已是最後一集了,原來“絕情谷”已播了兩年。沒想到這節目可以“撐”這麽久,時間過的真快。雖然今天的節目帶點傷 感,但笑聲依舊不斷。他們都為 “絕情谷”劃上了完美的句點,所以我相信未來的我還會記得這節目,有如“嘩嘩嘩!打到o黎!”。好東西總是讓人懷念。。。