Friday, June 3

compulsive hoarding

"Compulsive hoarding" is a new term to me...and I learnt it from Oprah show. Yup, you will get some new and useful information while watching this show...Okay, maybe just me. You never know that your friends or family may be a hoarder. They will kept this secret behaviour very well. But once you find out anyone who have this for professional HELP!
Here are some common characteristics within compulsive hoarding:

  • Saving or collecting continues beyond what is needed or of use
  • Avoiding throwing possessions away, or experience high levels of anxiety when discarding items.
  • Having significant clutter at home, often to the point where pathways need to be made to walk around.
  • Functional spaces are lost due to clutter. For example, can not sit on chairs or use tabletops because possessions occupy those areas. Socializing is curtailed or eliminated.
  • Value of uniqueness is attached to items that others do not find valuable, such as papers, containers and food items.
  • Strong emotional connections are formed to the extent that and individual feels a sense of safety or comfort.
  • Feeling suspicious of other people touching possessions (or throwing them away).
  • Feeling overwhelmed and/or embarrassed by possessions.
  • Others perceive belongings as bothersome and/or dangerous.

Hmm...I did have some of the features, like keeping a lot of old stuff in organize ;-p and always think I'll be using it someday in future. Since I had some kind of "connection" with all those things, so it's hard to throw them away :'(
So, do you have those "lovely" characteristic?


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